How To Achieve The Perfect Garden Creation Creating the perfect garden can be a long and difficult task, therefore it is important to realise that your space isn’t going to transform overnight. However with these tips you can achieve the perfect garden creation with minimal stress. This month’s blog at AD Landscapes & Maintenance focuses on techniques you can use to ensure your garden creation goes as smoothly as possible.
Plan Ahead There is no use working on a landscape if you haven’t designed a plan beforehand. If you go straight into the job without necessary instructions, then you will be open to many risks including alack of space due to inaccurate measurements. This will ruin your project before it is even started. In order to avoid this start designing your plan and taking measurements well before you start carrying out the work.
Your plan should include all necessary measurements of the space and the ornaments that you wish to be placed on the landscape. Once everything has been noted down, it is time to sketch the design. Start by drawing the outline of your garden and label the house, then sketch the features you want to be present in your project. For example, if you wish to have a cobbled walkway from the backdoor leading to the grass area this needs to be drawn in. It is important to understand that the planning stage can take time and multiple attempts so don’t get frustrated.
Set The Instructions Once the initial plan is set up, you then need to know how to build the necessary features. This can easily be done by researching the specific ornaments you want in the creation, here you can see how to assemble each feature and note the instructions down. Add all instructions into the plan and prioritise. This will give you an estimated time duration and an example of costings.
Traditional grounds have plenty of room for planting flowers, this is something the team highly recommend you add into your instructions as you will have to allow room and time for your plants to grow.
Break It Up Once the construction work starts it is important to break each section of the space into specific jobs. If you work a little bit on each section per day than this is not only going to affect how long your project will take to finish but also the quality of your land. Instead carry out work on each separate section until the job is done. The priority of each section and feature should have been noted down in the plan.
It is vital that this plan is followed otherwise your project will become cluttered and you may even lose interest in the whole project. For example, if the landscape needs to be flattened then this has to be done first before purchasing any features. This may sound obvious but many people get excited and start buying ornaments before any work is done which later they find can’t fit in due to not sticking to the plan and the measurements.
Maintenance Once your garden has been created it will look stunning for the first few weeks however it will then need maintaining. It is often believed that once you have had landscaping carried out on your property then there is nothing else left to do. This could not be further from the truth, in reality your project will need maintenance every 2 to 3 weeks. Whether this be simply replanting flowers or going over wood work with a new coat of paint.
Before starting any work on the plot you will need to decide whether you have the time and patience to regularly keep up with the necessary jobs. If the answer is no then you will be wasting money on a project that isn’t going to look very nice after the first few months.
Contact The Professionals For the perfect garden creation, a professional team may be needed. Luckily AD Landscapes & Maintenance are here to help. We offer a fully-fledged landscaping service that will transform your space. Our team also offer a maintenance service for those who would love the perfect outdoor area but simply don’t have the time to control it. For your complete piece of mind we are also part of the Guild of Master Craftsmen , priding ourselves on the high standard of work we carry out.
If you would like to enquire about our services, be sure to call us on 07766 404604 or fill out our contact form to make an enquiry.